Stay & Play, Sparks and Blaze are our VKids Groups. Sign in and Registration is from arrival in the Sanctuary next to the Connect Corner.
Ignition Youth Group
To find out more that the Ignition Group are doing click HERE
Daytime Women's Group
Dreaming The Impossible July 2023
A Nexus Client's shared story of answered prayers
Storehouse - Our new van!
Talk - in TenT - Chosen People with notes
Access Sign Up
inTenT - our theme for the term
Happy Christmas West Wilts Vineyard
Support for you and our community
Great talk on prayer
Did you know God still speaks through dreams?
The Good Way - Autumn 2022
The boat has a name...
Cost of living BBC article featuring the Storehouse Foodbank
This week the BBC West team spent the day with our Community Action team, spending time in the Storehouse, Refresh and Community lunch. They got to see a little bit of the amazing work that the team has been putting in and highlighting the issues around cost of living going up.
Well done Jill and the team!