Did you know God still speaks through dreams?

Did you know that God still speaks through dreams? The bible is chock full of times that God has communicated to His people whilst they are dreaming (Joe l2:17, Mat 2:13, Gen 37 to mention a few!). It doesn’t have to be an angel appearing or an end times prophesy! God wants to be involved in our day to day lives. I really believe that as we grow in our connection with Him, we are able to ‘hear’ His voice more. For me, in the last few years they have become a really amazing way for me to connect with God. 

Dreams or any type of revelation should never replace scripture or be received in an unbalanced way. They should be held up and viewed through the lense of the written word. But as the below dream points out we should walk in and grow in our knowledge of His written word and also be listening to His ’NOW’ words.

What was amazing for me was that at the same time period as having this dream there were lots of little breakthroughs in my life which the dream really  helped to confirm to me were from Him. It really helped me to see God’s activity in my life and helped me to know how to move towards Him. 

Below I have written out the dream and then my process of interpreting it. I hope that it helps to inspire you that God wants to speak to you through your dreams too! I also think that its not just a word for me but us as a church.

Floating Bible Dream

I was in a big old building that felt a bit like my old primary school. There was a group of us and we had been on a long journey to get there. We were at the end of the room by a large desk and window. Suddenly next to me a large standing safe that was standing against a wall floated off the ground opening itself. It was not the door that opened but the whole safe came away from the wall revealing the contents. Inside was a magnifying glass and a large bible. The magnifying glass floated through the air to me. I grabbed it and everyone was a bit shocked! 

Then the bible floated up and out of the safe but instead of floating towards me it floated away from us and towards the other end of the room. Somehow in the dream I knew it was going to go through the wall and I would lose it if I didn’t get to it. I walked after it and grabbed it before it got there then walked back to where we were standing. I knew I should pray for a scripture and as I did Psalm 85 popped into my head and I woke up. 

Psalm 85 (Key passages )

Verse 1-2

You, Lord, showed favour to your land, you restored the fortunes of Jacob. You forgave the iniquity of your people and covered their sins towards us.

verse 8-9. 

I will listen to what God the Lord says, He promises peace to his people, his faithful servants but let them not turn to folly. Surely His salvation is near those who fear him, that His glory may dwell in the land. 

Verse 12-13 (Amp)

Indeed, the Lord will give what is good, And our land will yield its produce. Righteousness will go before Him and will make His footsteps into a way [in which to walk].

My interpretation

In the dream it had been a long journey to get to this place and I believe this is symbolic of the journeys we have had to walk in different areas of life.

A safe is a picture of where valuable things are kept safe and locked away. I think that we are going to see good things being unlocked in our lives at this time and things that are specific to the long journeys. 

The whole safe came off the wall rather than the door opening. For me this is a picture of God doing things in unusual ways and outside of what is expected or normal. He is not confined to the world's systems, structures or restraints.

For me the magnifying glass represents God’s ‘Rhema” or freshly spoken word (Eph 6:17). It speaks of focus, clarity and attention to His word. 

In the dream the bible was floating out of the room and if it had got away I don’t believe I would have got the important part of the revelation (the scripture). It is important to be walking with the Spirit of God (magnifying glass) and to be grounded in the word (bible). We need both to stay on the right path and sometimes we have to pursue these actively. 

Psalm 85

Is all about God’s people coming into His blessing. The land yielding its produces and following in God’s footsteps.

Dreaming with God is not just for a few people! We are all His children and have been given access to Him. Jesus said ‘My sheep know my voice; I know them and they follow me.’ I pray that as you read this you are filled with new hunger to hear His voice and follow Him.
