““And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.”
2 Corinthians 9:8 (NLT)”
Financial Update November 2023
Live Generously
Mark talks on giving and encourages us to stop tithing and start giving
Why We Give
At West Wilts Vineyard we value generosity and this is seen through the countless volunteer hours offered to run community action projects, church services, fun events for the community, various groups and pastoral care throughout the week, and the maintenance and cleaning of our beautiful building! Generosity is also encountered through those who choose to financially support church initiatives.
If you would like to give financially then there are a number of different options available below.
If you would like to offer practical support please email info@westwiltsvineyard.com
regular giving by Standing Order
Regular giving helps us to plan ahead - thank you!
Please contact your bank to make a regular standing order. Often you are able to set up a standing order via your online banking or banking app using the following details
Account Name: West Wilts Vineyard
Account No: 00015649
Sort Code: 40-52-40
West Wilts Vineyard Bank Address if needed:
CAF Banking LTD, 25 Kings Hill, West Malling, ME19 4JQ
If you set up a standing order via online banking and you are a tax payer, don't forget to complete a Gift Aid form (below), please sign and email it to Lorraine Breese - finance@westwiltsvineyard.com
or print and post to us:
West Wilts Vineyard Church, Emmanuel’s Yard, Church Street, BA14 8RZ
Cash and cheque donations can be made in person using our giving envelopes and placed in the Joy Box at connect corner.
All monies collected are put directly towards the ministry of the church and the churches financial practices are overseen by its board of trustees. All accounts are independently checked and verified before being lodged annually with the charities commission (the church is a registered charity).
gift aid forms
Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity from the tax you pay for the current tax year.
If you require any further information regarding the financial aspect of church life then please contact finance@westwiltsvineyard.com
Note on Charity Status and Historic Records
From the 1st Dec 2021, West Wilts Vineyard became CIO (1174910) Charitable Incorporated Organisation. As part of this process the charity commission removed the historic financial records from their website. However, we feel that it is important for the sake of transparency that these records continue to be available so the PDFs are available.