Welcome to West Wilts Vineyard

We hope that this page will give you a flavour of who we are and what we are about! Our desire is that you will discover full life in Jesus. Following Jesus is a moment of discovery and a lifelong adventure as we journey together into the abundant life He has prepared for every one of us. We invite you to join us and embark on the journey of a lifetime.

Senior Pastors - Mark and Meg

Mark and Meg Searle took on the leadership of WWV as the senior Pastors in June 2022. They have been worshiping at West Wilts Vineyard since Sept 2021 and they have been involved in christian leadership for over 25 years.


WWV has a vision for a church that is reaching (new people), reproducing (disciples) and regional.

We are a church that is:

  • gathered around the person of Jesus

  • empowered by the Holy Spirit

  • and living with the purpose of the Father

We see a regional church with a strong base in the county town of Trowbridge. We long to see the area of West Wilts alive with communities full of faith in Jesus, with everyone having access to a local expression of church that is gathered around the person of Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit and living with the purpose of the Father.

Our focus is to create environments that make modern-day disciples and train new leaders to resource this vision to see a regional church of over 800+ people.

WWV is part of a wider network of Churches called Vineyard. You can find about more about the movement here.

Our Team


Mark Searle | Senior Pastor | Trustee


Meg Searle | Senior Pastor


Tim Rouse | Ops & Emmanuel’s Yard | Staff


Jill Neighbour | Community Action| Staffstorehouse@westwiltsvineyard.comrefresh@westwiltsvineyard.com

Jill Neighbour | Community Action| Staff


Sue Price | PA & Admin | Staffinfo@westwiltsvineyard.com

Sue Price | PA & Admin | Staff


Felicity | Under 16s Admin | Staffvkidsadmin@westwiltsvineyard.com

Felicity | Under 16s Admin | Staff


EY Cleaner


Grace Padfield | Safeguarding | Volunteer


Neil Laird | Pastoral Carepastoralcare@westwiltsvineyard.com

Neil Laird | Pastoral Care




West Wilts Vineyard Trustees meet once a month to provide good governance and assist with the smooth running of the church. Mark and Meg attend trustee meetings, Mark as Trustee and Senior Pastor, Meghan as Senior Pastor.

We also have Arthur Goode as a trustee we can call on as needed. Arthur is one of the Senior Pastors at Plymouth Vineyard.

The trustees can be contacted via email trustees@westwiltsvineyard.com


WWV Story So Far…

WWV Was founded by Jason & Sam Whiley in May 2004. They handed over the leadership of the church to Mark and Meg Searle in June 2022. Find out more about the WWV story.