Rock Project @ EY has spaces available

Do you have budding musicians looking for space to learn and grow?

The Rock Project is the UK & Ireland's premier school for children's contemporary music tuition. They offer group lessons in electric guitar, bass guitar, drums and vocals and the opportunity for young people aged 7-18 years old to put their musical skills into practice by performing regularly each week as part of a band.

Click the link below to find out more!

DTI Roadtrip 8.3.25

Vineyard Churches are hosting their DTI Roadtrip around the country and our youth are attenidng the Bristol venue on Saturday 8th March.

We think it’s important to enable and encourage the Youth to go to the DTI Roadtrip and please could you pray for our young people and youth leaders adhead of this event.

To go to the Ignition page onour website click HERE

Join Our Church Team

We are busy planning for our upcoming Summer term rota which starts in May.

Being on team is not only an amazing way to get to know people in the church but we would not be here without all the amazing people serving on team each week.

We are really excited to invite you to join one of our amazing teams!

In particular we are have space on the following:

  • VKids

  • PA

  • Media

Fill in the form below to find out more!

WWV Family Fun Night

Come along and ‘Beat the Blues’ with the WWV Family Fun Night on Friday 28th February. Tickets are £7 per adult and under 16s are free. Join in with the fun of a live Ceilidh Band, Dance the night away, enjoy some good food and come dressed as your favourite Super/Action Hero and don’t forget it’s a ‘BRING YOUR OWN DRINK’!

Use the QR Code below or click on the link HERE

The Meeting Place @ Bethesda Baptist Church

The Meeting Place is a weekly drop in on Tuesdays from 2-4pm at Bethesda Baptist Church. Alongside tea, coffee and cake, there are some activities such as board games or crafts. We are providing a space for people to meet with their friends or to make new ones and It could also be an opportunity to find help, a listening ear or to be signposted towards support.

The crossroads in the image reminds us that although we all come from different backgrounds, that we have a lot to learn and gain from each other if we meet together. Everyone is welcome!

 We have been open now for several weeks and it is wonderful to see community forming already. This is currently limited to a small number and we know there are other people out there who would benefit from some friendship, support and company. Could we ask you to let people know about The Meeting Place who you feel would benefit from it.

 Find out more here